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Company Profile


Addres: Jl. Raya Jepara - Kudus KM 03, Kuwasen VI, Kuwasen, Kec. Jepara, Kabupaten Jepara, Jawa Tengah 59431

Hours: Closed, Opens at 08:00 AM Wed   

Contact Person: +626282137780330


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About Us:

> Company History

CV. Graha Indah was founded on September 21, 2002 and is led directly by It’s founder, Mrs. Rubiana Rozaq. The company is engaged in the field of furniture both indoor and outdoor. Some of the products produced include beds, nightstands, cupboards, chairs, dining tables, coffee tables, sofas, partitions & kitchen sets. Our company welcomes requests for custom/special items to meet the particular needs of the customer. The company exports to various countries such as Australia, Holland, United Kingdom, Seychelles and United States. Some of our products can be seen on the website

> Vision

Our slogan ‘Graha Indah Nan Selaras’ embodies the spirit and strength of Team Work to work together to produce quality furniture products and provide excellent service to customers, so that Graha Indah is one of the leading furniture companies in Jepara and is always able to win international competition.

> Mission

  • Producing high quality furniture products through the implementation of quality assurance systems.
  • Manage and develop professional Human Resources.
  • Establish cooperation as business partners to customers to produce long term mutual benefits.
  • Innovate to produce the best after-sales service.

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