Talenta Java Design

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Company Profile

Company Name: Talenta Java Design

Addres: Jl Raya Ngabul-Mantingan KM 1,5 Tahunan, Jepara

Hours: Open, 07:30 AM – 16:30 PM      

Contact Person: +626285225368969

Website: https://talentadesign.com/

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About Us:

Talenta Java Design is the leading furniture manufacturer in Indonesia. We�re passionate about making furniture that�s built to last. With over 25 years of experience, TJD has been working with top-tier retailers in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. It has also been furnishing hotels, resorts, restaurants, and government offices all across the globe. By combining craftsmanship, technology, and sustainability, we make furniture sourcing easy for businesses.

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