CV. Razzaq Berkah Mulia

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Company Profile

Company Name: CV. Razzaq Berkah Mulia

Addres: Jl. Tahunan Tendok Gerjen Sari RT.004 RW.005 Desa Tahunan, Kecamatan Tahunan, Jepara

Hours: Closed, Opens at 08:00 AM Wed   

Contact Person: +6262811808399


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About Us:

Razzaq Berkah Mulia (RBM) is a furniture manufacturer that was established in 2017 started to produce luxurious baby cribs and export them mostly to Europe, UEA, Australia, and the USA.
In 2021 expanded to a new company in Loma Linda, California, USA with the name Cinnamon Grandeur LLC.
In 2022, RBM opened a new warehouse in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia, and focus on making living room furniture, dining rooms, and bedroom for indoors and outdoors.
Our modern and luxury quality passed international standard processes starting from Kiln and Dry until the finishing with high-quality standard.
Our Strength products are Dining Tables, which are made of Suar or Teak Jointed Solid wood, and modular sectional sofas with high-quality finishing.

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