Company Profile
Addres: Jl. Raya Cangkiran, Gunung Pati KM. 1, Kel. Bubakan, Mijen, Semarang, Indonesia
Hours: Open, 08:00 AM – 16:00 PM
Contact Person: +6262811277311
Website: https://recycleteak.com/
About Us:
Reclaimed Teak Wood Furniture Manufacture Indonesia
PERMATA FURNI (Reclaimed Teak Furniture Manufacture) Was founded by Mr. Erie Sasmito in Semarang Central Java Indonesia, starting the company by restoring & finishing broken cabinets and dirty Old Dingklik Tables export to The Netherlands in 1998.
As the business growing, in year of 2000 the company build their own production facility with size 11,000 SQM complete with Kiln & Dried Facility. These recycled teak combine with stainless steel, iron and durable polyfibers and reliable outdoor fabrics. Pure minimalist shapes and natural untreated materials work to create unique reclaimed furniture pieces of comfort and beauty.
Focusing on reclaimed wood furniture, we become one of the biggest producer in Semarang Indonesia for this category.