PT. Kota Jati Furindo

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Company Profile


Addres: Jl Raya Jepara Bangsri KM 6,5 Ds Suwawal, Kec Mlonggo, Jepara

Hours: Open, 08:00 AM – 17:00 PM      

Contact Person: +6262291596310


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About Us:

Kota Jati is the biggest furniture factory in Jepara, Central Java. We have been trusted to produce high quality products made from Teak, Mahogany and Mindi since 1988. We also produce in plywood and MDF with selected veneers. We have our own dedicated steel department with technologically advanced machines, and we can produce TIG welded aluminium framed, synthetic rattan covered furniture in house. We exercise our environmental responsibility by recycling our offcuts to produce other smaller products and to run the wood drying kilns.

The factory itself has an area of just over 10 hectares and the various departments are staffed by 900-1000 people, depending the season. Everything we do is achieved in house. We have under-cover log storage and multiple sawmills for sawing into boards. The sawn boards are dried in one of the fourteen kilns. Each kiln has a capacity of 40 cubic metres of wood. Dry board stock is held where possible to reduce lead times and ensure production smoothness.

The material preparation department is the key to our success with hundreds of machines ranging from basic rip and crosscut saws, through copy shapers and double ended tenoners, right up to our CNC equipment which includes 3 axis and 5 axis machines right up to the jewel in the crown � which is the Bacci Twin Jet 7 axis CNC machining centre.

Another advantage we have over our competition is our gluing and laminating ability � we have a multitude of presses � hydraulic, rotary, cold, hot, high frequency � as well as plain old clamps � which allow us to glue our material together in any manner of ways to ensure the best and most economical solutions for our clients.

We also have a well-equipped metal fabrication department including powder coating. This metal department can produce a multitude of furniture designs and components in steel and aluminium thanks to our trained welders and technologically advanced equipment, including our CNC laser plate and pipe cutter, our MIG welding robot, our pipe swaging machine and many others.

Our finishing department and the team that run it are immensely skilled and they seem to effortlessly apply the highly technical and multi-step finishes required by our clients. But in fact, it takes a lot of effort and the results speak for themselves.

The team that keeps the whole show running is the marketing department and the members are dedicated and supremely professional. No detail or client request is too small for them not to apply their whole attention to it until resolution is achieved to our client�s satisfaction. The marketing team are always ready to answer your enquiries.

Contact us by:

Phone: (+62) 291 596310


Operational Hour:

Monday-Friday 8:00 - 17:00 (Western Indonesia Time)

Geo Location:

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