Manve Home Decor

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Company Profile

Company Name: Manve Home Decor

Addres: Jalan Soekarno Hatta No.16, Senenan, Kec. Tahunan, Kab. Jepara

Hours: Open, 09:00 AM – 17:00 PM      

Contact Person: +626285290031814


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About Us:

MANVE is a specialist furniture manufacturer based in Jepara, Central Java, Indonesia. We have gained considerable experience dealing with large format retail companies and massive projects (hotels, resorts, villas...etc.) in Indonesia and abroad (North & South America, Europe and Far East).

Our collection uses wide range of materials such as wood, rattan, bamboo, genuine & synthetic leather, marbles, aluminium and high quality fabrics. Distinctive to MANVE's collection are also the upholstered products that include chairs, sofas and beds.

With our wide range of indoor and outdoor products, we also offer a custom- made service to meet any specific project requests that you might have. Our dedicated team works closely with architects, designers, developers and industry professionals to ensure projects are fulfilled successfully. Our design and sales team is always on hand to offer any guidance or support that you might need

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